Friday, September 17, 2010

brownie delight

okay people, brace yourselves for my favorite dessert of all time. it is known as the dessert cristal ate all by herself at christmas AKA brownie delight. the version that my mom makes is similar to this one submitted by opal erickson with a few tweaks. the tweaks are outlined below. ive tried making it myself, but accidentally let the cream cheese spoil in the fridge. yea. i just let my mom make it from now on.

ps. if this sounds like too much chocolate for you, try this 4 layer delight by lisa of lisa is bossy.

my mom's tweaks:
-crumble up the brownie into bits and put into large party bowl (instead of it being a flat brownie square)
-whipped cream mixture layer (cream cheese, sugar and whipping)
-pudding layer
-another whipped layer
- miscellaneous layer. you can use anything from sprinkles, toffee, pecans to reeses. my weakness is a layer of oreos!
-repeat all layers and make the top layer look pretty

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

birthdays, bdays, birthdays

september is the craziest month for birthdays in my family. my sister, my cousin, my neice- all back to back. and it starts tomorrow with bradley's birthday yall! and i still havent got his gift yet.. eek! i had an idea earlier this summer, but didnt keep up with it. keep him in mind for your plans saturday night because everyone is invited to come over and celebrate his age change.

if you have a crazy birthday month like me, try this free printable calendar from avie designs to keep up with all of them. and thanks to hey susy, we all have access to a free, quick and pretty birthday cards- just in case. yay!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


always on the look out for good design, posters, and anything austin?? then you must know about poster cabaret!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

is that your curtain thing?

a few weeks ago, i stumbled upon this trick and decided to test it out for myself- mostly because it involved using my camera! then, of course, i put it on bradley's computer, which is also our TV, instead of my own computer. lol now when people come over the typical response has been,"is that your curtain?"

try it out or simply look at more transparent wallpaper at smashing magazine.

ps. sorry about missing last week. my health was under the weather and the rain didn't help a bit! my cough is slowly going away..

Friday, September 3, 2010

yumm-o, healthy and quick!

this recipe is courtesy rachael ray! smokey salmon with watercress and bacon-corn cous cous. i couldn't find watercress at my grocery store, so i substituted arugula lettuce and it turned out great! i also left out the hot sauce and the old bay seasonings. most of the items it calls for, i already had in my kitchen so all i had to buy was the meat, dill, and cous cous. it was super duper easy to throw it together, and the flavors matched each other very well!
*** make this tonight!! rachael even has a how to video on the link!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


starting next week, i will follow a weekly (mon-fri) routine of daily topics.
here is what you can expect to see:

monday- photography; eye candy to start your week!
tuesday- diy or design ideas
wednesday- quizzes, current and upcoming events, things worth googling or happenings in my life
thursday- environment/sustainable issues
friday- recipes

speaking of getting organized, it is time to buy a new planner for the academic year! off the the university co-op i go...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

learn to unlearn

ye old wise words of yoda once said that sometimes you must learn to unlearn.

this thought has been lingering in my head for a week and i have found that this can relate to anything and everything. not only that, but i was reading today that photographers get "stuck" trying to replicate some amazing that they already have seen, whereas a novice can create something extraordinary with their "virgin" eyes. note to self: sometimes it is good to ask questions like a child- who, what, where, why, and how and create things with the passion that lies within yourself.

ps. something kinda cool to google: earthship